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Hello, let me introduce myself: I am Nia Martin, whose photographic and written work makes up this little website, 

Around age 10, I started writing my own stories and, at 13, I picked up a camera and began taking and developing photos in a darkroom. I've switched over from elaborate fictions about imaginary families to profiling people and the work and products they create. I’ve also swapped out black and white photos of my bare feet for digital moments that document people, places and things. Though the material continues to evolve, my love for the process remains unchanged. 

A few fun facts about me:

One of my earliest memories is watching The Last Unicorn on repeat and I still have my VHS copy; I moved around a lot growing up, living everywhere from Iowa to Egypt; I'm an INFJ personality type, which means I have one of the rarest personality types in the world; I'm a major film buff and I was the first person to major in Film Studies at my college; I love making music mixes, but I'm completely useless when it comes to playing instruments; I am vehemently opposed to eating eggs without hot sauce.

Now that you've had glimpse of my story, feel free to check out my portfolios and credentials to see if my work might be the right fit for you. Thanks!

Website Credits - Design: Victoria Uhl; Logos: Jenny Katz - jk makes; Photo of me: Oguz Uygur